Wk24 – 31M Dunbar Hospital Thurso to Wick

Well. I did it. I ran the furthest I’ve ever run today. I’ll write it up properly with photos and the route but here’s a wee summary.

Here’s the route:


I ran 31 miles in about 4:30. I stopped a few times to refuel, pee in a public toilet and stretch my right leg which was sore from about 16 onwards. The pain started in my ankle, then I got pain on the outer side of my knee (IT band related – ouch).

The weather was ideal, no rain, any wind was behind me and it was sunny intervals about 10-12’C all the way.

I tried out eating a snack size mars bar 10 miles on, but after it my stomach felt a little tight, like it had a stitch as if it was too much solid sweet food for me. So I had energy gels instead, caffeine ones: before I started, at mile 5, 15 and 20 and a blackcurrant one at mile 25.

I ram without my iPod for the first time on a long run (I left it at home) so I reverted to counting up to 100 to help the time pass. I also counted 50 cars and 2 tractors on the B road I was running on.

I split the run into 6 x 5 miles and by mile 22 I was counting down the miles one at a time. By the time I got to 28.5 miles I was outside the medical centre and I could have so easily just run the 1 mile or so home. I was meant to be running up the Cliff, past the high school, down past the harbour then home. But I couldn’t face it.

I stopped to stretch and at that point my friend from the Wick triathlon club Robert Cormack passed and offered some words of reassurance. He suggested I run up past my house and along the cliff path to make up the 31 miles so I went with that.

I also met a friend of my sister in laws Iola who gave me some words of encouragement and helped me to believe I could go on and finish.

By the time I was at 30.75 I needed to do a few laps of the street I grew up on, but I was determined to reach 31 now that I’d come so far.

With the pain in my knee / IT band along with the distance it was a tough run, but I managed to keep it together. Character building or something? Oh and I ran out of water at about 22 miles in. :-/ check points on the day of the Clyde Stride will ensure I don’t run out of water on race day.

I ran between just under 8 minute miles and about 9:20 minute miles and was happy with how I ran especially towards the end through the pain in my knee.

Anyway, I did it and I even managed to run with my nephew at his sports day, although needless to say, we didn’t win, or place. I’m saying we came 4th. Lol

After the run I stretched, had a lucozade and a berry for goodness shake and a ham and cheese sandwich. Now to stretch, massage and rest my right leg. Hopefully it’ll be ok.

Run: 31.01 miles, 4:30, Pace: approx 8:42. Calories: approx 3100.

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4 Responses to Wk24 – 31M Dunbar Hospital Thurso to Wick

  1. Pingback: 31M map and splits | Lorn Pearson's Training…

  2. Pingback: 31 mile run from Thurso to Wick (Pictures) | Lorn Pearson's Training…

  3. Pingback: Weather for the Clyde Stride | Lorn Pearson's Training…

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