Run an Adventure, for those who can’t.

I miss running, and I’ve come up with an idea to hopefully get me, and perhaps you, running more (if we choose to!) 😉

It doesn’t matter how fast, or slow or how far you go. Just run. Run an adventure for those who can’t.

Run an adventure
I run because I love it.
I run for the challenge and the serenity.
I run for health and fitness and for fun.
I run because I can. 😀

I run because it helps me get perspective.
I run because it helps me see the world in a whole new light.
I run for the adventure.
I run for those who can’t.

I’m not talking about those who choose not to run.
I’m talking about those who can’t run.
People whose bodies won’t enable them to run.
People who are injured or are too ill or debilitated to run.

I’m going to choose to get up and run.
No route, no pressures: just run. 🙂
I run for the adventure, I run for those who can’t.

I’m going to run an adventure for those who can’t. If you can run – will you?

Here’s a bit more about where I am right now:

Getting back my motivation
I’ve scaled back my own running in the last year or so. I’ve gone from building up to running marathons and an ultramarathon, to running to help others: Coaching runners and pacing at events – and I’m truly loving it. But there is something missing and I think I’ve realised what it is.

Before I started running coaching, I used to run at least three times a week. In the morning usually, at least two of the mornings: early before work. A great start to my day. I love running on my own or with others.

My midweek runs would generally be done to a beautiful sunrise: me alone with only the sunrise, my garmin, heart rate monitor and ipod / tunes to keep me company. And the weekend runs tended to be long social runs with friends or Fit Girl.

I’ve now replaced these three runs with Kaizen Run Club coaching runs and PT coaching. It’s been a great way to meet and help coach and motivate others, and hopefully spread a little of my Super Powers and motivation to others. 🙂

I don’t want to overdo my running or get sick of it or injured, so I’ve capped my runs to coaching runs and maybe the odd social run with friends or Fit Girl (4 a week max usually). I rarely run on my own now. I like strength work and cross training, so my mornings have been filled by going to the gym or the pool. But I NEED more. 🙂

More recently I’ve been choosing a lie in, instead of a morning run, gym session or swim. I need my Motivation back I think. I need to run on my own, and with friends more I think. 🙂

How fortunate I am
A number of things happened recently (in life and at the Women’s 10k yesterday) to make me stop and think and make me realise how fortunate I am to be able to run.

I can walk fast, I can climb stairs (3 at a time) without getting breathless. I can climb mountains and I can walk for hours and days on end! I can hold down three jobs and life, to be perfectly honest, is pretty damn amazing for me. 🙂

On top of all that, I’m fit and healthy, and I can run and I love running – so I should run more often for me and those who can’t (if I can)!

Those who can’t
Here’s a summary of those around me who I know aren’t so fortunate as me:

> Today I was hit by a bit of sad news that someone kind of close to me is very unwell – she’s maybe never going to walk again (never mind run£ and her life will never be the same again. :-/

> And I got an email from a reader Mia, saying she couldn’t do the 10k because of a calf strain. :-/ ouch.

> And another friend Sandra (who always posts her amazing and frequent runs on Facebook) is also out of the game with a grade 2 strain. :-/ ouch again!

Injuries are ok, we all get them. You get over them with a bit of rest, recovery, cross training and positivity. But some things are more debilitating and prevent people from being able to do what I love to do. And one thing I’m able to do every day without too much effort: RUN!

> Then I came across the Brightest Star page and realised that sadly little Jack will never be able to run again. And his Mum Arlene will never be able to see him run, or smile or do anything ever again. 😦

> Two colleagues are off sick and very unwell with two very different diagnoses. :-/

They’re going though a tough time of it, and I’m not even able to make the choice to drag my ass out of bed for a piddly wee run!

Injuries, MS, cancer, Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, old age, depression, dementia, gangrene, diabetes, obesity….to name but a few….all life limiting or restricting in some way.  We all know someone who’s lives have been changed completely due to a condition or nasty disease. So quit moaning and making excuses Lorn and get out there and run!

Choose to run an adventure
It’s not right, and its not fair, but I can do something about it. I can choose to run an adventure for them all. And so can you.

We can chose to drag our asses out of bed at 6am, because we can, and because we love it. Quit the excuses and do what we’re perfectly able to do. We can choose to eat healthily and achieve any number of goals – we just need to choose to do it.

There are so many conditions and diseases out there which people have to put up with, and which prevent them doing what I love and what I find very easy and fun: Running.

I remember my training for the Lochaber Marathon where I raised money for Breast Cancer Care – a good friend of mine was being treated for the disease at the time.

I trained through Winter, and when I was struggling to get up to get out and train or when I was hurting on a long run, she was my motivation to get up and out, or keep going and remain strong. I could do it. And any time I wanted to skive off it, I reminded myself that I could choose to, or choose not to do it. She didn’t have that choice. She was unable to run. So I chose to do it, each and every time. 🙂

So to get my motivation back to get up for more runs in the morning, I’ve decided I’m going to choose to get up for (solitary or social) runs more often. I love running in the morning, so I’m going to choose to do it more often.

If, like me, you need a bit of motivation to get out there and run… from today onwards, choose to run an adventure for those who can’t. 🙂  Pledge to run 2 or 3 or 4 times a week or pledge to be more active, take the stairs every time or choose to do what you make excuses not to do.  Run and adventure with me.  Are you with me?

I’m going to choose to get up and run.
No route, no pressures: just run.
I run for the adventure, I run for those who can’t.

I’m going to run an adventure for those who can’t. If you can run – will you?

And if you can’t run or don’t want to run, why not take a nice walk outside instead? 🙂 (or take a look at my Beginners section for tips on how to start running)

Finally, why not like my Lorn Pearson Trains Facebook page (or comment below) and tell me what your adventure was today.  What adventure did you run today for those who can’t?

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5 Responses to Run an Adventure, for those who can’t.

  1. mrshmunro says:

    Beautiful Lorn x

  2. mrshmunro says:

    On Saturday when I was battling the elements and the hills I had a similar conversation with myself – it went along the lines of “this is possibly the toughest thing I’ve ever done, but I feel so blessed and lucky that I can be out here giving it my best shot…” In the end I had what was possibly in stats terms the best run of my life 🙂
    So yes I totally agree, get out there an run an adventure x ❤ x (and yes you are allowed to moan a little when it's hurting and you're tired!)

  3. Pingback: Wk20 – Today I ran a 4.3M adventure | Lorn Pearson Trains…

  4. Pingback: When I was small… | Lorn Pearson Trains…

  5. Pingback: Getting back into the habit | Lorn Pearson Trains…

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