November into December training

My training has been ticking along nicely, with around 2-3 swims a week, 2 runs a week and 1-2 strength sessions a week. I’m not doing much walking in, but I am getting the odd walk in and the odd rest day in.

Here’s what I’ve done since the middle of November:

The swims and runs have been good, and it’s been nice having some time out to swim coach too.

I gave blood on Thursday and I’ve taken some rest and turn out after it. I probably shy isn’t have planned a long run the day after, but I hydrated well and had a good nap in the afternoon and a good rest day the next day. I’m feeling ok now, but will take it easy none the less.

Here’s my plan for next week:

I’ll aim for 3 swim, 2 strength and 3 runs, maybe not so long on Saturday, but I’ll see. I have a haircut and my first night out for a long time, and my first night out with my new work mates. First time to meet them all – which is exciting.

After that I’ve planned in all my training until the end of the year… similar to this week…

I’ll probably have some rest days in there too as I go, but we’ll see.

Then I should be on track for the following annual mileage:
Run – 400
Swim – 108-110 (173-176km)
Cycle – 600
Walk – 650??
(Strength – 70 hours)

A lot less running than usual, but the swimming in the last 6 months, and the cycle in the first 6 months of the year made up for it. Hopefully my injury is gone, but swimming seems better for me anyway, so we’ll see what happens in 2022.

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