Waist to Height Ratio

Here’s how you work out your waist to height ratio:

1. Measure your height in cm.
2. Measure your waist in cm (just above your navel).
3. Divide your waist cm / height cm.

(Image from my Tactio Health app)

As at 2012, my waist is 70cm and my height is 168cm, so my waist to height ratio is 42%.

On the scale above its just within the ‘very slim’ category.
(See the image above, or list below for the other categories).

Less than 35%: Underweight
35% – 42%: Very Slim
42% – 46%: Slim
46% – 49%: Normal
49% – 54%: Overweight
54% – 58%: Very overweight
Greater than 58%: Obese

I’d say it’s probably a good way to measure how healthy you are without focusing on your weight or (the rather old fashioned measure that is) BMI. 🙂 and a good simple measure that you can improve or maintain over time.

What’s your waist to height ratio? 🙂

1 Response to Waist to Height Ratio

  1. Pingback: Weight vs body fat vs waist to height | Lorn Pearson Trains…

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