April into May training

I’ve not done a training post for a while, but since my fortnight off at the end of March, my training has been ticking along fine.

A few swims a week, a run and a strength workout most weeks. And plenty rest when I’ve needed it too.

Here’s what I’ve done…

I’ve been a little sore after strength workouts but I think I’m getting used to it. Last week I didn’t feel up to my swim on Tuesday morning so I moved it to the following week and had a bit of a lie in.

I’ve had to balance my training with doing a qualification for work, so I’ve stepped off the gas a bit with it, and it’s been working well so far.

I’ll likely only be able to do one (or two) run(s) a week, if I do 2-3 swims and a strength session, which seems like a good balance too.

Here’s my plan for the next couple of weeks:

The swims might be up to 3,000m, and I might be able to get an extra run in a week. But this week I have a bit of a focus on work (in actual work today!)… and a swim and run on Tuesday and Wednesday to set me up for work.

I’m swim coaching a friends kid next Sunday after my swim, and the next Sunday I may go for an open water swim. We’ll see.

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