36th pint of blood given

Anyone that knows me, probably knows I like to give blood a couple or three times a year if I can… and today last minute, I booked an appointment at the Glasgow Blood Donor centre – with the aim of giving my 36th pint.

The process has changed a little bit when you go in, covid guidelines, but it still works well. I was taken by a nurse called Jackie who tested my haemoglobin from one of my fingers … and it came out at 12.2… a little bit under the required 12.5.

So she had to take a sample from my arm, and it tested fine, at 13.2. Phew. I didn’t want to go all the way home after walking in.

As I’d been jabbed twice, the nurse who was helping me get the blood out of my other arm said I could take two tea cakes … so I did!

You can leave it 3 months between donations, and my last one was in August. This one the end of November, so the next one could be March Time.

I did this one just before getting my covid booster so it all worked in well time wise.

My aim is to get my donation amount along the lines of my age… I’m 41, so I have to give a few more times to catch up with or overtake my age. A good wee goal.

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