Super Strength Circuits


The secret to getting the greatest muscle conditioning results from the least amount of strength training is to do the workout in circuit format.

In a circuit you continuously move from one workout to the next with minimal rest between.  By doing this you keep your heart rate and caloric burn rate high, producing a hormonal change, greater fat burn and greater cardio benefit along with the muscle conditioning effect of the workout.

It’s important to include variation in your workouts which is the reason I’ve created a series of six ‘Body Shock Power Workouts’ to promote hormonal change and promote fat burning and muscle development.


My Body Shock Power Workouts have been designed to challenge you (and me) and will work as part of a cardio and resistance training programme.

The aim of my Body Shock Power workouts is to really shock your body into change, create a hormonal change and generate fat burning. To get the best results it’s important that you give it your all and fuel your workouts by eating protein and carbs before and after to aid recovery.

As part of the Super Lean Regime you will do 3 Strength Workouts a week, on alternating days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Strength workouts should last between 40-60 minutes and should concentrate on lifting heavy things to make you work hard and reap the benefits.

My Body Shock Power Workouts take the following format:

0: Warm Up: 5 min cardio warm up

1: 24s:  a 24 rep challenge of a big lift, full body exercise
(Deadlift / Squat / Clean & Press) with a heavy weight.
(If 24 is too much, try 3 x 8 with limited rest until you can do 24).

2: Weights circuits: 2 circuits of 4 different exercises using full body and heavy weights where possible: 1. Plyo, 2. Push, 3. Pull, 4. Legs/Abs.
(Repeated 2-3 times, 8-12 reps or to failure, or 30 secs, with limited rest)

3: Abs/Plyo circuits: 1 circuit of 4 abs / plyo exercises.
(Repeated 2-3 times, for 30 secs, with limited rest)

After each circuit of 4 exercises, do another set of 24s or one minute of high intensity plyometrics with weights.

See the Body Shock Power Workout Page for more specific workouts you can do.


Note: You don’t need to do my Body Shock Power Workouts though; any strength training where you work hard with heavy weights (or even body weight workouts) will be good too.  To get the required results, it is important if using weights that you lift heavy, work hard and increase the weight you lift as time goes on.

Here are some examples of workouts you could do instead of my Body Shock Power Workouts:

Þ Instructor Lead Circuits
Þ Body Pump
Þ Insanity (3 days a week, not 6 days a week as prescribed)
Þ Metafit
Þ Body Attack
Þ Spin Fit
Þ Your own gym workouts in the same format as my Body Shock Power Workouts – aim for full body or compound exercises where you use as many muscles as possible to lift the weight.
Þ Personal Training sessions with an Instructor.

Do strength workouts 3 times a week, on alternating days, make sure you’re lifting heavy and working hard, and you should see results.

Note: If you do aerobic based workouts like Spin Fit you might not get the same muscle building results as with strength training, however you will get the benefits of cross training and exercising regularly.


Super Lean: 3: Strength
Super Strength Circuits
Body Shock Workouts
Super Lean Strength Plan

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  1. Pingback: Super Lean Regime Wk1 | Lorn Pearson Trains…

  2. Pingback: Super Lean Regime Wk2 | Lorn Pearson Trains…

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