1,000 days off the booze!

Today is the 1,000th consecutive day that I’ve been off alcohol! (2 and 3/4 years)

It has now become very easy to keep alcohol out of my life, and although I don’t think that everyone should cut out alcohol, I’m pleased that I’ve managed to. 

I’ve already written about why I quit and how quitting alcohol has benefited me, but I thought I’d get together some stats and links which might surprise you too.

I don’t want to tell people what to do in regards to drinking, that’s definitely not my place and I wouldn’t want it to be. Most people drink sensibly, but I know that I binged, and probably a lot of other people binge too.  Once I started, I could never get enough of it, leading to 1-2 day hangovers from hell, and god knows what else.  I tended to just drink because it’s what you do, it’s what everyone does. It’s engrained in our culture.

Now, instead of drink being a habit for me, not having drink in my life has become my habit. And I like it. 😀

Anyway, to mark this occasion, of being 1,000 days off the drink, I thought I’d share some information I got from the Scottish Government website, some snippets from the Scottish Governments Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Bill

‘Alcohol is not an ordinary commodity but a hazardous product that is associated with a substantial burden of health and social harm. In the lifetime of the Scottish Parliament 22,680 people have died alcohol-related deaths in Scotland.
Scotland has the highest level of consumption and harm in the UK. Over the past year, Scots drank almost 51 million litres of pure alcohol – that’s 1,190 units per year or 22.8 units per week. This is the equivalent of every person over the age of 16 drinking 119 bottles of wine.   Scottish per capita alcohol sales are almost a quarter (23%) higher than in England and Wales.

(Thought from me.. Maybe we can just handle our booze better?!?… joke).

  • 25 people die in Scotland every week as a direct result of their drinking (1,300 a year – 1 in 20 deaths!)
  • Accident and emergency units treat an average of 4 alcohol-related cases every hour.
  • Alcohol misuse in Scotland costs £3.5billion every year – equivalent to £900 for every taxpayer.
  • At least 65,000 children in Scotland live with a problem drinking parent.
  • Half of Scottish prisoners and 77% of young offenders were drunk at the time of their offence.
  • During 2009, Scottish hospitals dealt with 39,278 alcohol-related discharges.
    Of these, 36,121 (92%) were emergency admissions.
Alcohol sold in Britain today is more affordable, more available and more heavily marketed than at any time during the past thirty years. As a result, there has been a 450% increase in liver cirrhosis mortality over these past 30 years.
Alcohol use is either the wholly or partly attributable cause of death in 1 in 20 deaths in Scotland (almost twice as many as previously thought).  Over the last 30 years Scotland has had one of the fastest growing rates of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in the world.  Leading the Chief Medical Officer to add alcoholic liver disease to the list of ‘big killers’, alongside heart disease, stroke and cancer. Despite a fall in recent years, rates among 45-64 year olds are still around five times higher for men and four times higher for women than they were in the 1950s and 1960s.
Scotland will continue to have a relationship with alcohol. For many people that relationship will remain balanced, positive and enjoyable. However there is also clear evidence that for a large section of the population their relationship with alcohol is damaging and harmful – both to themselves and those around them.
The evidence shows that building a healthy and sensible relationship with alcohol will help to create a more successful country.  Tackling alcohol misuse will also make a positive contribution to achieving the following:
  • Living longer and healthier lives;
  • Tackling the significant inequalities in Scottish life;
  • Having strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others;
  • Living our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger;
  • Realising our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people;
  • Our young people become more successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens;
  • Improving the life chances for children, young people and families at risk;
  • Having our children have the best start in life where they are ready to succeed.’

Now, is it any wonder I’m pleased I’ve given up? (including all the positives I’ve got from giving up)

More information here:

The Scottish Government Website: Alcohol
Alcohol Focus Scotland

Do you want to know more about alcohol or giving it up?
Then go here: 🙂

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9 Responses to 1,000 days off the booze!

  1. el wendigo says:

    Ha! I don’t need anymore figures, as it was precisely this post: https://lornpearsontrains.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/800-days-off-the-booze/ what gave me the final push to take a decision I won’t ever regret. And it was so funny to see the street plate with the word teetotal written on it. All of a sudden my life reverted to those minimums of freedom I always wished for myself and I became a teetotal. The name itself acquired a radical new meaning for me and thought it was the most beautiful way of living my life, for I had control over it without supressing any other areas. Thanks for being there Lorn!

  2. Bravo! 🙂 I have been a non-drinker for 5 years – wouldn’t go back! Thanks for the post!

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  7. Hi Lorn I quit on 1st January 2011 so today is my 1000th day off the drink. Feels great.

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