Get your CAPE ON, and fly!

> Sharing the Super Powers: Get your CAPE ON, and fly!

I’ll be blunt with you. A few years ago, late 2011 into early 2012, I was a bit lost and I didn’t realise it at the time. I was in a good job which ended up taking some soul searching to realise it was a job that just wasn’t for me. It was time for a change.

I could do the job, but I had no passion for it. I didn’t hate it, or the people I worked with, it just wasn’t for me and it wasn’t who I was or am. It took some time and a bit of a kick for me to realise that I needed to change things for me. I needed to chase some dreams and be who I wanted to be.

I ended up sitting back and looking at my life. Who I am, what gives me a buzz, what I enjoy doing: Learning, exercise, continual improvement, social interaction, being the for people, helping people are all part of my values and who I am.

My beliefs are positive and strong. I’m lucky enough to have a great sense of belief in myself. I feel Super most of the time. I use mind tricks to help me (and others) feel Super.

I use what I’ve learned in endurance / marathon training and in life, to always look for a positive and aim to react positively to things in life.

I learned about life goals and formulated my Super Human Test to help me look at my life and see what areas I should improve to become more happy.

I looked at my Dad and how he helped and ‘touched’ so many people in his work as a GP before he retired and I aspired to do that too. I realised that I get a real buzz from helping others, and helping them figure out what’s best for them.

After I looked at my life and realised helping others was key to my happiness and fulfilment, I looked at changing things. I honestly thought about packing in the BBC: my main job with my main income, to do something else along the lines of personal training or coaching.

I realised I could help others too, but wasn’t sure where to go or what to do, and I didn’t want to give up the security of my main job to take a risk on something that depended on me so much (self employment / PT).

Luckily for me, an attachment came up in the BBC which, if I got it would mean me getting out of the job which didn’t suit me, and into a job which, in it’s entirety is working with people. I was up against 60 others, and I was lucky enough to get it.

I also supplemented that by continuing with my swimming teaching, and became a running coach. I took the opportunity to focus less on me, and more on others and helping others.

That was a year and a half ago and I’ve blossomed in the role at the BBC. I know and help so many more people than I used to. I smile a lot more too.

Not only that, I’ve got my running coaching and life coaching (I didn’t call it that, one of my ‘Super Guys’ called it that when I helped her with her life, not just her running).

Through the changes Ive made in my life in the last 2 years, I’ve become much happier in life. I’m doing what I love across three fields of work (BBC, Swimming teaching and other coaching).

I’m getting to ‘make peoples days’.

I’m getting people to have ‘light bulb moments’.

I’m getting to share my ideas like my cape, HR running, self belief and being super, and lots more.

I’m a ‘star’, a ‘life saver’, a ‘hero’. And I’m so chuffed that I’m able to be.

I’m getting to ‘leave a legacy’.

(All in quotes are what people have said to me recently).

I’m getting people to think about what makes them happy and I’m helping them to get there. I feel very fortunate.

I’ve realised that I can be, and am what I consider, Super.

I’ve come across so many people who are down on themselves, self conscious or unhappy. And I’d like to share what I know and what I’ve learned, with others: mindset, positivity, how to deal with life and stress, how to be happy, with others.

I want to share the Super powers! And get them spread by others too. I want people to know about my present to them, know about my CAPE theory and put theirs on and fly!

I’m getting praise from all over and it’s hard to take in at times. I’m just being me, just doing what I love and what I’m good at.

All it took was a bit of time out to look at my life and what I wanted to change. Then some goals and some actions. And now I’m miles away from where I was a few years ago.

My Super Human Test score started off at 91% and more recently it was 500%. Bit by bit I’ve made changes and the reward has been amazing.

If you want to take my Super Human Test, go here:

Read the post first, then click the link at the bottom for the test.

Have a think about what changes you can make in your life to become more happy in life.

What are you waiting for?

Get your cape on, and fly!

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