Garmin Training Status

This week I got my first update on my ‘Training Status’ from my Garmin 645 Music. Garmin Training Status shows how your training affects fitness and performance and it should be a good measure to keep an eye on.

After a week of recording activities on my Garmin 645 (including running and strength sessions) my training Status has just started showing as ‘Productive’ within the optimal range. It shows my training load as 576 minutes and my vo2 max estimate as 50.

It feels like it’s been an ideal week training, I rested when I needed it and got my planned training sessions in. I also got a good number of average steps, staying active on my rest days. I could have got more sleep, but I’ll work in that (I think I might stop coffee again and see if that helps).

Here’s more info about Garmin Training Statuses:

There are quite a lot of statuses, but it’ll be good to keep an eye on and see how my training affects it compared to how I’m feeling.

Hopefully I won’t be in the ‘unproductive’ KR ‘detraining’ statuses much. 😉

Oh and did I tell you that my new Garmin (strap) matches my trainers and short too? (Purple. Lol)

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