Wk24 – 2,000m swim and plans

I had a good start to my day again today… a 80 length swim.  🙂  As usual I had a good big breakfast to refuel again.  Yum yum.

The pool was pretty quiet again.  There was a rather large man in shorts and a tshirt trying his hardest to swim with his head out of the water.  He kept going for quite a while – all due given to him, but I really felt like saying to him to buy a pair of goggles and get his face in to make it much easier for him… but I didn’t.  Perhaps he’ll look at the other swimmers and see that the ones who have their heads in don’t tend to struggle as much!  hey ho…

There were two of us in the lane when I started, me and another woman who seems to be there every morning.  Then she left and I was on my own for a bit.  Then there were two guys who seemed to want to take up the whole width of the lane (I cracked hands with both of them…even though I was next to the lane rope…arg)… and a woman who was doing breast stroke.

Today’s swim and times:
Here’s what I did this morning:

80 lengths: 2,000m, 40:14 (1 min 40 fast than last time).
10 lengths: FC swim, 4:28
10 lengths: FC arms only (with arm weights), 5:28
10 lengths: FC swim (with arm weights), 5:04
10 lengths: FC arms only, 4:40
10 lengths: FC swim, 4:36
10 lengths: FC arms only, 4:46
10 lengths: FC swim (with weights), 5:03
10 lengths: FC arms only, 4:31

Weekly Training Plan

I’ve noticed that I’ve arranged to do Kaizen Runners on my rest days, so I need to have a rethink about what I’m doing weekly… I need to make sure I’m getting enough rest, so I’m thinking:

MON AM: Swim
TUE AM: Rest, PM: Kaizen Runners 1hr
WED AM: Strength, PM: Circuits / Run / Rest
THU AM: Swim / Run / Rest 
FRI Rest
SAT AM: Circuits with Fit Girl
SUN AM: Kaizen Runners 1hr, PM: Swim Teaching

Thursday will be an optional rest day, and Wednesday evening too.

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