100 miles again …

It was all going so well in August for my 100 mile challenge… I was ahead of target until about half way through the month, mainly due to a good 19 miler run…

Since then the running has been intermittent, but I’ve still managed to get 2 strength sessions in a week and plenty of walking.

26 days into August today and that’s 84% of the way through the month… 70.4 miles in, so I’m a bit behind.

I ran 10 miles on Saturday, then 8.6 on Tuesday (coaching) – and that’s the only run I’ve done this week. Oops.

Rest on Monday,
lots of walking on Wednesday,
strength on Thursday,
rest on Friday,
strength and plenty walking on Saturday.

Work this last week has been a little crazy, lots to do, seemingly not enough time to do everything. I’m sure I’ll get there with it. But as a result my sleep has been knocked a bit. Then I can find it hard to get up early to train.

I hate it when that happens, but it is what it is. It’s probably better for me to catch up on my missed sleep than go without, so sleep won over running most mornings.

Today I had thought about running 10 miles but decided a trip to IKEA took precedence over it. 😳 I did manage to get a strength workout in (as punishment?!) and I’ll get myself out for a run between 9-11 on Sunday – maybe 13.1 miles.

Anyway, so I have 29.3 miles to go, in 5 days.

Sun: 13.1M
Mon: Strength AM / 6M PM
Tue: 5.2M
Wed: 5M
Thu: Strength
Fri: Rest
Sat: 10M
Sun: 5M

Hopefully I’ll make it. Better get my head in gear for it.

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