2 runs a day training for me

I’m training for the Thunder Run 24 which is at the end of July. I did it last year, and getting up to run 3 x 6 mile runs 7-8 hours apart across 24 hours was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to motivate myself to do.

(You’re in a team of 8, staying on a campsite near the route, taking turns to run. Last year I ran at 1pm, 9pm and 5am Arg!!!).

Anyway. This year I want to be (more) ready for it. So I’ve set up my training plan with 3-4 run days week, and one strength session a week.

1-2 base run days
1 long run day
1 day where I run twice a day (in June) and three times a day (in July).

Today was my second ‘two runs a day’ day of my training. I did two 6 milers. One at 6:15am (tired) and one at 6:30pm (after a day at work, a baked potato and runs for lunch and a banana before I left work, plus a few snacks – and a bit of birthday cake !! Shhhh!).

Unfortunately I seem to have lost my Garmin data from this morning’s run, but I do remember the time and heart rates. My heart rate was pretty high and I felt I was going too fast, and overall it felt like a hard run. It was a bit windy and I was probably just running too fast (with Gill).

Here’s the second 6 miler. Which felt easier, more enjoyable and I felt strong at points (even though it was one of the last things I wanted to do, come 5pm!)

Here’s the stats from both runs:

1st one, felt like a level 4/5:
6:15am, Avg HR: 155, Max HR: 165. 53:25. A bit windy.

2nd one, felt like a level 3/5: 6:30pm, Avg HR: 146, Max HR: 157. GTE: 3.2. Ok weather.

In effort terms, where 1 is walking and 5 is beasting it, a 4 and a 3 was how they felt.

Strange that the second 6 miler was not much slower, just 8 seconds a mile slower, but it felt way easier. I think it might be because I was tired this morning, or that it was maybe a bit windier this morning?

So 12 miles in one day, around 26,000 steps (and a full day, plus an hour extra at work).

Not bad eh? I should sleep well tonight!

(And hopefully this will get my body and mind in gear for the event).

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